22. All the Resume Sections

All the Resume Sections


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[Bracket Notation] vs Dot.Notation

-MDN: Property Accessors

Object Notation

-MDN: javaScript Object Literals

Note: It is important to name the properties exactly as given below (property names are case sensitive). The property value data types must also be exactly as given. (Strings should not be used where an array is expected, even if there is only one item in the array.)

Resume Sections:


work contains an array of jobs. Each object in the jobs array should contain an employer, title, location, dates worked and description strings.


projects contains an array of projects. Each object in the projects array should contain title, dates and description strings, and an images array with URL strings for project images.


bio contains name, role, welcomeMessage, and biopic strings, contacts object and skills array of skill strings. The contacts object should contain a mobile number, email address, github username, twitter handle and location. The twitter property is optional.


education contains an array of schools. Each object in the schools array contains name, location, degree dates and url strings, and amajors array of major strings.

education also contains an onlineCourses array. Each object in the onlineCourses array should contain a title, school, dates and url strings.

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